How do you study English nowadays?
Let's explore 3 of the the most famous comtemporary and interactive tools to learn English nowadays according to Fluentu English educator blog.
- Google classroom is an online platform where students have some tasks, homework and much, much more!It’s an incredible tool that allows for collaborative and instantaneous group work.Then students have the opportunity to improve their digital literacy. (Comparto el enlace de la guía explicativa con videos explicativos para alumnos)
- Duolingo is an attractive, easy to use and free app to learn English and other languages thats works like a game and where students practice vocabulary,concepts and reinforce what you know through writing,reading and speaking activities.Many students use it,so why don't you start right now? (Os animo a visitar la web a los que no la conozcan así después descargar la app desde playstore en tablet o móvil)
- Youtube is a nice and motivating tool to learn short lessons with a lot of information,but in easy-to-understand ways, different levels and interactive subtitles.The secret is to look for a new and modern practical approach to learn in an effective way. What do you think? How many youtube channels in English do you know?